Sharp ventured outside the movie-centric sphere of TVs on Thursday by upgrading its AQOUS TVs with the LC-32GP3U, the second iteration of the company's uniquely gaming-oriented HDTV range. The 32-inch screen has optimizations meant just for consoles with a Vyper Drive processing mode that focuses on cutting the screen's lag time for action games. A game mode button on the remote not only activates the faster response times but optionally switches to a specific video input for a favorite game system.
In spite of its size and claimed performance, the set manages the full 1080p resolution available to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and uses dynamic lighting to reach a 10,000:1 contrast ratio. Inputs are provided not just for dual HDMI 1.3 devices with x.v.Color (Deep Color) support but also VGA for home theater PCs and a subwoofer connection to add bass without needing extra satellite speakers.
Sharp will veer away from its typical practices of releasing only black TVs in the US and anticipates shipping red and white versions of the GP3U to match gamers' tastes. All three will sell for $1,600 and should be available later this month.
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