Following rival LG Electronics (LGE)'s upcoming launch of a 32-inch PDP (plasma display panel) TV, Samsung SDI is also said to be developing similar products in order to meet demand driven by the persistent shortage of LCD TV panels.
Although Samsung SDI showed minimal interest in 32-inch PDP TVs in the past, the growing demand for PDP TV amid the LCD TV panel shortages, has prompted Samsung SDI to evaluate related offerings, according to industry sources. However, the company will not launch any 32-inch PDP TVs in the near term due to capacity constraints.
PDP TV panel capacity is tight due to buoyant demand from Samsung Electronics, Philips and some China-based customers, the sources explained. As Samsung SDI has no spare capacity to produce the 32-inch PDP TV panels, it has no plans to start volume production in the near term, although production is already ready.
With some industry players saying earlier that a possible 10% PDP TV panel shortage in Taiwan had been seen, some China TV vendors, finding insufficient panel supply, shifted to increase the proportion of their PDP TV offerings, the sources observed. Demand from China is getting strong as vendors are also under pressure to meet annual sales targets.
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